Policies and Procedures

The Consolidated Homeless Fund Program (CHF) in Rhode Island is designed to be the first step in the continuum of assistance to prevent and end homelessness and to enable homeless individuals and families to move toward independent living. In 2012, the Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Entitlement Cities of Pawtucket, Providence and Woonsocket joined with the Rhode Island Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD), Housing Resources Commission and The Rhode Island Department of Human Services to create the Consolidated Homeless Fund Program (CHF) Partnership (The Partnership).

Because, the State Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) and each of the Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Entitlement Cities of Pawtucket, Providence and Woonsocket receive federal funding from the ESG program authorized by subtitle B of title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11371–11378) as amended by the HEARTH Act, CHF program requirements are derived from ESG program rules and regulations, unless otherwise specified.

CHF program requirements are detailed in the Consolidated Homeless Fund Policies and Procedures Manual. Programs that are funded by the Consolidated Homeless Fund must adhere to these policies and procedures when implementing Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing and Rental Assistance and Street Outreach Programs. Further, programs that funded to implement Consolidated Homeless Fund Systems Development Projects must adhere to CHF financial management requirements outlined in the Consolidated Homeless Fund Policies and Procedures Manual.

Staff Contact: Homelessness