Data & Reports

The Department of Housing is responsible for developing several reports related to housing and homelessness for the Governor, General Assembly, federal government, and the public. In addition to Departmental reports, this section provides access and links to data that are relevant to housing and homelessness. This initiative is designed to keep the community informed and serve as a useful repository of housing and homelessness related information. 


Through the reporting process and in the policy development process, the Department of Housing collects housing data on a range of metrics. Relevant data is available to be downloaded below. Additionally, below are helpful publicly available housing data resources. 

Census Building Permit SurveyWeb application that allows users to pull data on building permits down to the municipal level. This data is self reported from municipalities on a monthly basis to the US Census. It does not capture building permits for renovations or conversions.  

HUD Housing Choice Voucher Dashboard – Dashboard that shows budget and leasing trends, reserve balances, program admissions and attrition, per-unit cost and leasing potential for the Housing Choice Voucher program at the national, state, and PHA level.  

Zillow Housing Data – Aggregated data directly from Zillow. Provides information on median home sale prices, rents, market forecasts, and for-sale listings.  

HousingWorks RI’s Housing Fact Book – “The goal of this annual publication is to provide the consumer with easy-to-understand information, as well as a tool to inform local and state decision-makers on the importance of an integrated approach to improving housing affordability in Rhode Island.” 


Below is a short description of the required reports from the Department of Housing, along with links to the relevant statute.  

Landlord and Tenant Consumer Guide – A written guide for consumers relating to the rights and duties of landlords and tenants. This guide is updated every two years in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 42-64.34-2

Integrated Housing Report - The Integrated Housing Report is in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 42-64.19-3 (a)(4)(iv). This report provides data and recommendations to the Governor, the legislature, the Housing Resources Commission, and the public relating to housing in the state of Rhode Island. This report provides data on the current housing inventory in the state to aid policymakers in the crucial task of ensuring that Rhode Islanders have adequate housing.

Fee in lieu and Public Housing Authority ReportAn annual report on the total fees collected by each municipality from developers in lieu of the development of low- and moderate-income housing. Additionally, the report includes information on utilization of resources through the Housing Choice Voucher Program. This report is in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 45-53-12. 

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Annual Report – An annual report providing municipal data on local ordinances enacted relevant to ADUs, the number of ADUs permitted in the last two years, the number of ADUs given a certificate of eligibility in the last two years. This report is in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 45-24-76. 

Low and Moderate Income Housing Annual Comprehensive Permit Report – An annual report providing municipal level data on letter of eligibility issued and units permitted/given certificates of occupancy through the comprehensive permitting process. This report is in accordance with R.I.G.L § 45-53-11. 

Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Report – An annual report providing the amount of Rhode Island low-income housing tax credits approved during the prior fiscal year. This report is pursuant to R.I.G.L. 44-71-10.  

Departmental Final Reports