Highlighted Initiatives
- Landlord Tenant Handbook 2024: The 2024 Landlord Tenant Handbook was developed in collaboration with the Rhode Island Center for Justice, HousingWorks RI, and Rhode Island Legal Services.
- State Housing Plan (Housing 2030): statewide housing planning process where Rhode Island will come together to set concrete housing-related goals.
- SFRF Dashboard: A dashboard on housing related projects funded by State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF). Click box below for the Dashboard.
What's New?
Notice of Funding Opportunity:
- CDBG Grants
- Competitive Applications- NEW
- Recovery Housing Program
- Affordable Housing PY23
- Economic Development PY23
- Housing Rehabilitation PY23
Rhode Island Secretary of State
Department of Health(RIDOH)- Rental Registry
Experiencing homelessness? - All referrals must be made by contacting the Coordinated Entry System (CES) directly. Please call (401)-277-4316 or click the box below.